logs, sent to the anomalies network from an unnamed
source proport to show a late night conversation between
the Time Traveler John and several other individuals
on IRC."
by Kay E.
14 October 2000
8TimeTravel_0 has joined the conversation.
Yareisa : even now I still change my opinions, there
is no definitive
G° : well, I'm not completely on the same wavelength
as you and apollo,
I like it here.
Yareisa : hi time
G° : I will be back
G° : hi time T
Yareisa : good, we like you
TimeTravel_0 : greetings
G° : thanks
Yareisa : yw
Yareisa : you've been initiated G!
G° : sorry I can't stop to chat Time, but it's way
past my bed time
G° : I have?
TimeTravel_0 : no problem
Yareisa : oh yes...I'll make sure you have plenty of
Yareisa : lol
G° : thanks... I think. LOL ~)
Yareisa : well I have been awake for 24 hours!
G° : oh what the heck. maybe I will stop and introduce
myself to time....
Yareisa : good! new I could persuade you!
Yareisa : knew
G° : LOL
TimeTravel_0 : please...and then myself.
G° : Hi TT, my name is steve, but call me G
G° : I'm 30, male from England
G° : and you?
TimeTravel_0 : My name is John. Im 38 and a time traveler
from Florida.
G° : Oh, and my PC could crash at any time, so I'll
say goodnight now in
case it goes again
Yareisa : alright, goodnight G
G° : which time are you from?
TimeTravel_0 : Goodnight.
TimeTravel_0 : 2036
G° : g'night
G° : is it a good year?
TimeTravel_0 : For me...yes.
G° : it's not far to come?
TimeTravel_0 : Thats right.
Yareisa : do you want me to do my intro piece?
G° : so you have been born as well. That could be
confusing. no problem
there being two of you at the same time then?
G° : yes please Y
TimeTravel_0 : Not at all. In fact the "me"
on this world line is
TimeTravel_0 : Hes 2
Yareisa : ty I'm Yareisa, you can call me yar, most
do 39 Lincoln, UK
G° : upstairs? in your house?
G° : yar, ok.
Yareisa : or ok yar!
G° : lol. I was thinking that... lol
TimeTravel_0 : Not my house. Im just visiting.
G° : tonight? or longer term than that?
TimeTravel_0 : I've been here for about 3 months.
G° : any reason? if you don't mind me asking...
I'm interested is all...
TimeTravel_0 : I'll answer any question you have. I
don;t expect you to
believe me anyway.
TimeTravel_0 : Theres a picture of my time machine on
my profile.
G° : LOL good. I'd really think you were mad if
you did...
TimeTravel_0 : Your reaction is typical.
TimeTravel_0 : Im used to it.
G° : someone invented a time machine by 2036?
TimeTravel_0 : What would you do if you really met a
time travlere anyway?
G° : what I'm doing now
Yareisa : what would you do if you met an alien?
From Above
: Yes...in fact the major breakthrough happens at CERN
a year.
G° : cern? whats that?
TimeTravel_0 : The creation of microsigularities.
Yareisa : particle accelerator?
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!
TimeTravel_0 : You know of it?
Yareisa : yes a little
TimeTravel_0 : Most people here in the US have no idea
what Im talking
Yareisa : they go round until they hit each other don't
G° : lol
TimeTravel_0 : Yes. High speed proton acceleration.
G° : that about sums an incredibly complex bit of
kit in one
sentence... but
TimeTravel_0 : Ill be happy to go into detail but most
people regret it.
Yareisa : go on, we'll scream when we can't handle anymore!
G° : whats the discovery? a new particle or something?
TimeTravel_0 : The information has been out for quite
a while.
TimeTravel_0 : CERN is planning to start some very high
energy experiments
TimeTravel_0 : There has been some contoversy ...
TimeTravel_0 : over the damgers of it.
G° : is antimatter involved?
TimeTravel_0 : SOme are concerned it might be quite
TimeTravel_0 : No...
Yareisa : wasn't there something about creating a black
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!
TimeTravel_0 : You've heard of it.
Yareisa : yes
TimeTravel_0 : Actually...
Yareisa : a little
G° : me too
TimeTravel_0 : its a black hole about the size of an
TimeTravel_0 : Im impressed.
TimeTravel_0 : Where are you both from?
TimeTravel_0 : England?
G° : England
Yareisa : yes
G° : but different bits
Yareisa : certainly different bits!
G° : but next door according to US geography
TimeTravel_0 : Being from 2036...Im not as ignorant
as my colonial
G° : so are you staying with your parents then,
whilst your here?
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
G° : oh come on, it's not going to change that much
in 30 odd years.. LOL
TimeTravel_0 : Really.
G° : sorry, Brit joke
G° : how did they take it? or have you not told
them? Your parents?
TimeTravel_0 : I have to admit... your both quite polite.
TimeTravel_0 : Oh they know.
G° : hey, the sign on the door says show respect
and keep an open mind
doesn't it?
Yareisa : I'm polite because I understand what its like
to be ridiculed
TimeTravel_0 : Im here because of a promise to my grandfather
in 1975.
Yareisa : true G
G° : I've lived 53 lives on earth before this one.
think everyone beleives
me when i say that?
TimeTravel_0 : I appreciate that but I also know Im
more entertaining than
anything else.
TimeTravel_0 : I don't discount anything.
G° : LOL
G° : the truly mad wouldn't realise they were ...
TimeTravel_0 : You are more right than you know.
G° : the faxct that you don't expect to be believed
has to be a plus
G° : sorry go on. your grandfather?
TimeTravel_0 : I find it quite intersting.
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
TimeTravel_0 : I started in 2036, went back to 1975
and then came forward
TimeTravel_0 : Did you see the picture of my machine?
Yareisa : it wasn't there when I looked
TimeTravel_0 : If you click on the picture...it takes
you to another page.
I have 3 pictures posted.
Yareisa : k just doing
G° : yeah. is it in a cool car?
TimeTravel_0 : A good car for 1975.
TimeTravel_0 : The distortion machine is in a 4 wheel
drive now.
G° : how come from then? was it kept in good condition
til 2036?
TimeTravel_0 : Sorry...time machine.
TimeTravel_0 : I was sent back to 1975 to get a computer.
TimeTravel_0 : Its an IBM model 5110.
TimeTravel_0 : My grandfather worked on it.
G° : because...?
TimeTravel_0 : Thats why I was sent.
TimeTravel_0 : We need it in 2036 to recode UNIX which
dies in 2038.
G° : who needed a 5110? and why?
G° : lost me there. don't enough about computers
TimeTravel_0 : the 5110 is able to read the old IBM
mainframe code.
TimeTravel_0 : Its the first protable computer produced
by IBM.
TimeTravel_0 : Actually its about the size of a small
TimeTravel_0 : We need on in 2036.
G° : so have you tried changing the past yet? or
have you found that
everything you do..
G° : has already been done?
TimeTravel_0 : Hmmm...physics.
TimeTravel_0 : Actually... world lines are not fixed.
TimeTravel_0 : They are all different.
TimeTravel_0 : There is no one "time".
G° : but you have a past... you remember things,
and if one changes...?
TimeTravel_0 : Yes...
TimeTravel_0 : but they are different.
TimeTravel_0 : The fact that I am here changes this
world line.
G° : so you havn't tried mucking with anything?
TimeTravel_0 : No...but I could.
TimeTravel_0 : Its just not that moral in my opinion.
TimeTravel_0 : Besides...Im not here for that.
G° : thing is, you might not have changed anything
because you already
TimeTravel_0 : Thats right!!!
TimeTravel_0 : Very good.
TimeTravel_0 : In fact..I've noticed samll changes.
G° : I mean you upstairs asleep wouldn't have known
if you now was
G° : you have? thats what i was getting it
TimeTravel_0 : No...he knows me.
TimeTravel_0 : Yes...small changes.
G° : care to give an example?
TimeTravel_0 : Sure...
TimeTravel_0 : Football....(sorry) games that were lost
that should have
been won.
TimeTravel_0 : Incidental news stories that havent happened.
TimeTravel_0 : Books not written.
TimeTravel_0 : Small stuff like that.
G° : wow. surely that can't be anything to do with
TimeTravel_0 : No.
TimeTravel_0 : By definition, this world line is not
the same as mine.
G° : so how come do you think?
TimeTravel_0 : Physics.
TimeTravel_0 : Have you ever been in a room that has
mirrors on all the
G° : you with the infinate worlds with infinate
possibilities theory then?
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!
TimeTravel_0 : Multipole world theory is correct.
G° : like sliders
TimeTravel_0 : Sliders?
G° : tv show
G° : before your time... LOL
TimeTravel_0 : Hmmm...havent seent hat one.
G° : hmmm. I must admit, that theory has always
bothered me
TimeTravel_0 : Have you heard of Schrodinger's cat?
G° : I mean, why bother? why create all these slightly
worlds? no
offence to you, just never liked it.
Yareisa : yes
G° : yes, talking about it the other day
TimeTravel_0 : Well...there's a little joke in 2036.
G° : can't remember though
TimeTravel_0 : If the cat had a distortion machine (time)
he may not be in
the box at all.
G° : oh yeah, that was it... LOL
G° : ( i was wondering if you were still ther Yar)
Yareisa : yes, deep in though
Yareisa : thought
G° : sorry, I have to call you Yareisa, I don't
like yar....
Yareisa : ok!
G° : so. what can we do for you tonight TT? How
come your here?
TimeTravel_0 : I enjoy the "paranormal" chat
rooms for 2 reasons.
TimeTravel_0 : 1. I find the people here are more open
to ideas.
TimeTravel_0 : 2. I find it ironic that when what they
are looking for
in their lap, they can't believe it.
G° : sorry you've been doing all the talking....
8wyrmkin_37 has joined the conversation.
TimeTravel_0 : Its okay,
wyrmkin_37 : hello to room
TimeTravel_0 : I learn a lot from you too.
G° : hi wyrm
Yareisa : hi wyrm
wyrmkin_37 : hey
G° : so who owns the machine TT?
G° : who do you work for?
TimeTravel_0 : The military.
TimeTravel_0 : Im a soldier.
TimeTravel_0 : But civilan time travle is not far off.
G° : do they know your in the year 2000 chatting
to us when you should be
returning with the 5110?
TimeTravel_0 : Good question!!!
G° : LOL How would they know?
G° : unless your machine records jumps?
TimeTravel_0 : No...but i will return just seconds after
I left from their
point of view.
TimeTravel_0 : I will only age a bit more than expected.
wyrmkin_37 : what matter of singularities?
G° : Imust say, your a very friendly, chatty soldier...
Yareisa : temporal phase shift
Yareisa : oops, thinking aloud again
wyrmkin_37 : anti-matter or dimensional?
TimeTravel_0 : Well...I only fought in the civil war.
The military put me
through school and I was qualified for this mission.
TimeTravel_0 : The singularities distort gravity.
TimeTravel_0 : Ill be happy to go through the physics.
The basics are
already known.
wyrmkin_37 : please........proceed
Yareisa : please do
TimeTravel_0 : Ok
TimeTravel_0 : In 1967, a physist named Tipler came
up with the basic
equations for time travel based on massive rotating
cylinders...ever heard
of him?
wyrmkin_37 : in omni?
G° : no, sorry
TimeTravel_0 : no problem...
TimeTravel_0 : are you familiar with black holes and
Stephen Halking?
TimeTravel_0 : Sorry...spelling
Yareisa : to some degree, yes
TimeTravel_0 : Ok
wyrmkin_37 : .......a brief history of time
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
TimeTravel_0 : Black holes distort gravity...which distorts
wyrmkin_37 : theory
TimeTravel_0 : At there center is a singularity.
G° : yeah, with you so far
TimeTravel_0 : No...it is proved.
TimeTravel_0 : In 1969, science invented a clock sensitive
enough to show
the time difference in a multiple sotry building.
wyrmkin_37 : kewl
TimeTravel_0 : On the first floor...time runs slower
due to gravity.
TimeTravel_0 : Clser to the center of the Earth.
wyrmkin_37 : get outa here
G° : also the 2 clocks, one in a plane that flew
off and came back
to the other one
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!
G° : ok
wyrmkin_37 : gravitation
TimeTravel_0 : The effect is magnified greatly in a
black hole.
TimeTravel_0 : As it turns out...
TimeTravel_0 : If you encounter a black hole that is
spinning and has an
electrified field, you will not be killed passing through
its massive
gravitational fiuelds.
TimeTravel_0 : regreting asking yet>
Yareisa : no
TimeTravel_0 : Ok
wyrmkin_37 : no
Yareisa : I'm hooked
TimeTravel_0 : In about a year...
G° : is this the omeg point theory?
G° : omega?
TimeTravel_0 : CERN will discover some very odd things
as a result of
high energy experiments.
TimeTravel_0 : in about a year.
TimeTravel_0 : from your point of view.
wyrmkin_37 : cern?
TimeTravel_0 : in Geneva.
Yareisa : particle accelerator
wyrmkin_37 : oh
TimeTravel_0 : They will accidently create microsingularities.
G° : makes things go round and hit each other...
TimeTravel_0 : Which will evaporate very quickly.
wyrmkin_37 : one in texas?
TimeTravel_0 : and create a massive ammount of X-ray
and Gamma rays.
TimeTravel_0 : It will puzzle them for a while.
TimeTravel_0 : Until they figure out how to add and
elcrtical charge and
capture these strange odd and massive particles in a
magnetic field.
wyrmkin_37 : they shoot electrons at the speed of light.......see
bust up into
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
G° : still with you...
wyrmkin_37 : quarks
TimeTravel_0 : If you bombard a singularity with electrons...
TimeTravel_0 : you can alter the size of its event horizon.
TimeTravel_0 : and thus its gravitational field.
TimeTravel_0 : By overlapping these fileds from two
TimeTravel_0 : you can travel forward and backward through
TimeTravel_0 : Its actuallyu quyite simple.
wyrmkin_37 : i follow now
TimeTravel_0 : Thats noit the hard part.
G° : didn't tipler say there was no event horizon?
TimeTravel_0 : No..he said it was possible to approach
a massive
gravitationl field from certain angles and not get squished.
G° : oh, sorry
wyrmkin_37 : lol
TimeTravel_0 : Actually...Im not really a physisit.
G° : but you know all about this stuff... is that
why you were picked?
TimeTravel_0 : I specialize in 20th century history
and my grandfather
builds computers.
wyrmkin_37 : what base?
TimeTravel_0 : Hmmm....you drive a car and know how
to change the oil
TimeTravel_0 : I am based in Tampa Fl.
G° : actually, only just.. LOL
wyrmkin_37 : chas, afb
TimeTravel_0 : McDill
wyrmkin_37 : kewl
G° : sorry?
G° : in english?
wyrmkin_37 : zoomies
Yareisa : thats english?!
G° : you airforce wyrm?
wyrmkin_37 : yes
G° : your not working on a time machine are you?
G° : come here for guidance...
wyrmkin_37 : no just came in for chat
TimeTravel_0 : Altering gravity is not the hard part.
G° : LOL
Yareisa : go on...
TimeTravel_0 : Detecting gravity is the hard part.
TimeTravel_0 : I will tell you a littlke story.
TimeTravel_0 : When time travel was invented.
TimeTravel_0 : They built prototypes that would go back
in time for a
second and then return.
TimeTravel_0 : They had sensors and cameras on them.
TimeTravel_0 : ...and they never returned.
G° : and forwards as well? how about a single jump
TimeTravel_0 : It was later discovered that the machines
were ending up
about 15 miles away and 3000 fett in the air.
TimeTravel_0 : feet
G° : doh!
TimeTravel_0 : The Earth was rotating away from them.
wyrmkin_37 : synchroniaztion please
TimeTravel_0 : A system had to be invented that would
"hold" the machine
the Earth.
TimeTravel_0 : Its called VGL.
TimeTravel_0 : Its based on very sensative clocks and
gravity sensors.
TimeTravel_0 : It stops the time distortion machine
if radical changes in
gravity are detected.
wyrmkin_37 : mechanical or electronic clocks
TimeTravel_0 : You wouldn't want to end up inside a
mountain or under
water...would you?
TimeTravel_0 : Cesium.
wyrmkin_37 : oh
G° : isn't all this classified? surely your suppoed
to keep it secret
in the past?
TimeTravel_0 : LOL!!!
TimeTravel_0 : I know you think Im nuts...come on.
TimeTravel_0 : Who would believe me?
G° : just asking?
TimeTravel_0 : It my best defense.
wyrmkin_37 : isnt celsium a higher class of quartz?
dont know
G° : but we don't have long to find out if you are
or not
TimeTravel_0 : Besides...do you know how big a hole
2 sigularites make
their magnetic filed colpases?
G° : won't be long before CERN (?) make the discovery
TimeTravel_0 : Thats right.
G° : no
TimeTravel_0 : Welll....either do I. But I don;t want
to know.
G° : LOL
wyrmkin_37 : i read omni since it came out and i do
want to know
G° : maybe I'll pass on the theory to someone who
does their own
and... BANG!
wyrmkin_37 : lol
TimeTravel_0 : I've been trying.
G° : any joy?
TimeTravel_0 : But Im the crazy yank
wyrmkin_37 : lmao
G° : What do you expect? you didn't tell them you
from the future did you?
TimeTravel_0 : You might be interested in this...
G° : if you really wanted to, you should have just
passed on the theory
G° : go on....
TimeTravel_0 : Its very hard to convince someone you
travel in time unless
you're related to them.
G° : or know something that will happen...
TimeTravel_0 : Good point...but you'de be surprised.
G° : not that I'm asking you to tell me something,
cos I don't want you to
TimeTravel_0 : They usually think its your fault.
G° : LOL
G° : bummer...
wyrmkin_37 : very interesting
TimeTravel_0 : That's why I love these chat rooms.
wyrmkin_37 : me too
TimeTravel_0 : I know that nothing I say will make a
bit of difference.
wyrmkin_37 : i can drink my jack and coke and learn
a few things
G° : not true.. this is the place where you can
make a difference.
TimeTravel_0 : Im not feeling sorry for myself.
TimeTravel_0 : Im actually learning to like the people
TimeTravel_0 : You have a very bad reputaion in 2036.
wyrmkin_37 : TT........who me?
TimeTravel_0 : lol...in general.
wyrmkin_37 : heard that
G° : how about those 80's lot though. they must
be worse...
TimeTravel_0 : Don't get me started.
G° : LOL
TimeTravel_0 : At least your commercials and video games
have gotten
through the years.
G° : and as for the 70's! Sheesh!
wyrmkin_37 : 60's were cool
TimeTravel_0 : Generaly... this period is thought of
as the time when they
had it all and squanderd it.
TimeTravel_0 : You diserve your fate.
wyrmkin_37 : but fun was had
TimeTravel_0 : That's true.
TimeTravel_0 : Can I ask you brits a question?
G° : sure
Yareisa : yeah sure
G° : shoot
TimeTravel_0 : When I was a kid...back in 2012...
G° : a good year for cyberpunk...
TimeTravel_0 : I used to watch a DVD called UFO that
was made in England.
TimeTravel_0 : Ever heard of it?
G° : oops no, that was 2030, sorry
G° : the tv series? 70's?
wyrmkin_37 : i saw it on regular tv
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!
TimeTravel_0 : You've seen it?
Yareisa : oh yes I remember that one
TimeTravel_0 : Wow...we do have something in common.
G° : yeah, dreadful outfits!
TimeTravel_0 : No one has heard of it here.
Yareisa : straker wasn't it
G° : and hairstyles!
TimeTravel_0 : I loved that show!
G° : so TT, there is something you can tell me
TimeTravel_0 : Yes?
G° : what happens in December 2012?
wyrmkin_37 : i saw it the good guys were called shadow?
G° : anything?
TimeTravel_0 : Ahhh..the acient miayn prohecies.
G° : the very same
TimeTravel_0 :
wyrmkin_37 : mayans
TimeTravel_0 : sorry
wyrmkin_37 : ?
TimeTravel_0 : Nothing happens...but there is a nuclear
war in 2015.
G° : bugger
TimeTravel_0 : Its not that bad.
TimeTravel_0 : The bombs are much cleaner.
G° : i guess not
wyrmkin_37 : china and russia?
TimeTravel_0 : There's a civial war in the US.
wyrmkin_37 : whoa?
TimeTravel_0 : Russian launches against China, Europe
and the US.
G° : it was bound to happen sooner or later...
TimeTravel_0 : Can;t you see it coming?
G° : whatamistaka to maka!
TimeTravel_0 : Does anyone read history anymore?
wyrmkin_37 : i saw russia and china but not usa
TimeTravel_0 : From my point of view...Russia helps
us. We win.
G° : how so?
TimeTravel_0 : But Im a little pissed right now. Is
that still the right
wyrmkin_37 : wheat, money........lets make friends
G° : ?
TimeTravel_0 : The civil war in the US has two sides.
TimeTravel_0 : I fought on one side.
G° : they usualy do
wyrmkin_37 : proceed sir................
TimeTravel_0 : The other side got nuked by Russia.
G° : i see
G° : not north and south again was it?
TimeTravel_0 : In 2036, they are our largets trading
TimeTravel_0 : No...more like city angainst country.'
wyrmkin_37 : majorities against minorities.......
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
TimeTravel_0 : You know...guns versus no guns.
TimeTravel_0 : Power versus no power.
wyrmkin_37 : time to pour another jack and coke
TimeTravel_0 : Un troops versus no UN troops.
G° : well, it's been interesting talking to you
John, but it's way past my
Yareisa : what...I've been up 24 hours!
TimeTravel_0 : Sleep well.
TimeTravel_0 : Youve been very polite.
G° : look me up when you get back to 2036 will you?
TimeTravel_0 : I will try.
G° : if i'm still here
TimeTravel_0 : Go north.
TimeTravel_0 : Invest in hydrogen fuel cells
G° : goodnight Yareisa
Yareisa : goodnight G
Yareisa : thanks for staying up so early!
G° : thanks again TT, goodnight
G° : LOL
TimeTravel_0 : good night
G° : see you again soon
Yareisa : yup
TimeTravel_0 : Ill be here
TimeTravel_0 : Think up some good questions
G° puts on his coat and trudges out...
Yareisa : bye G
8G° has left the conversation.
Yareisa : I've given up going to bed now, might as well
keep going!
TimeTravel_0 : Time is relative.
TimeTravel_0 : But sleep....
Yareisa : forgotten what sleep is!
TimeTravel_0 : What do you do for a living?
Yareisa : by day...web site design
TimeTravel_0 : Is your family close to you?
Yareisa : no
TimeTravel_0 : That's the one thing I will never understand
about this
Yareisa : whats that
TimeTravel_0 : Don;t you feel alone without them?
Yareisa : not really, I'm used to being alone
TimeTravel_0 : Its very diffrent in the future.
TimeTravel_0 : I can't imagine being without my family.
TimeTravel_0 : I don;t know if I should pity or admire
Yareisa : I'm not sure either!
8wyrmkin_37 has returned.
Yareisa : wb
wyrmkin_37 : hello folks
TimeTravel_0 : greetings
Yareisa : I am known as a Warrior, I'm used to fighting
to survive
wyrmkin_37 : been there
TimeTravel_0 : In the future, life is organized around
the family.
wyrmkin_37 : good
TimeTravel_0 : and the community.
Yareisa : then it looks like I have a problem!
TimeTravel_0 : 'I can;t imagine what it's like to live
Yareisa : I rather like it actually
TimeTravel_0 : If I may ask...why?
Yareisa : I can do what I choose, when I choose without
having to answer
TimeTravel_0 : What about it appeals to you?
wyrmkin_37 : later folks
8wyrmkin_37 has left the conversation.
TimeTravel_0 : good night
Yareisa : Sometimes I miss not having company
Yareisa : but I'm very independant
TimeTravel_0 : Your answer is typical of the people
of your time.
TimeTravel_0 : Do you feel you would be hindered by
"answerinfg? to
TimeTravel_0 : What does that mean?
Yareisa : I was hindered, that is why I evicted my husband
TimeTravel_0 : Please explain.
Yareisa : I am a deeply spiritual person, I needed to
grow, to expand, and
he stopped me
TimeTravel_0 : How...if its not too personal.
Yareisa : he was a control freak, I had to do what he
told me to do etc
TimeTravel_0 : I think you would like the future.
Yareisa : why is that
TimeTravel_0 : Its a common complainyt that people feel
TimeTravel_0 : In the future, life is more challenging.
Yareisa : is it more spiritual?
TimeTravel_0 : There is little room for petty problems.
TimeTravel_0 : Yes!
TimeTravel_0 : Mystery returns to existance.
Yareisa : beyond the human
TimeTravel_0 : There are fewer luxuries but life is
more enjoyable.
Yareisa : I never like luxuries anyway
Yareisa : I live basically
Yareisa : do you consider yourself human
TimeTravel_0 : I wish I could show you the time machine
and give you hope.
TimeTravel_0 : Yes.
TimeTravel_0 : I am very different from you.
Yareisa : in what way
TimeTravel_0 : My life is very different.
TimeTravel_0 : I harbor a ccertain ammount of anger
toward this time.
Yareisa : why
TimeTravel_0 : I see an entire population of people
who are sleeping.
TimeTravel_0 : I fell in love once and she passed away.
TimeTravel_0 : I blame you for her death.
Yareisa : why
TimeTravel_0 : She died of brain cancer.
TimeTravel_0 : You may find this interesting.
TimeTravel_0 : WHen I was training for "time travel"...
TimeTravel_0 : ...a great deal of what we did was pyscholgical
TimeTravel_0 : In one of our exercises...we had to go
back in time and
convince "ourselves" to do something we regretted
not doing in our own
TimeTravel_0 : I told myself to get married before she
TimeTravel_0 : SOmething I was unable to do.
TimeTravel_0 : I hate you for that.
Yareisa : hate me personally?
TimeTravel_0 : Sorry.... I don;t hate you.
TimeTravel_0 : I mean this time.
TimeTravel_0 : Jacksonville Fl took a direct hit.
TimeTravel_0 : The radiation killed her.
Yareisa : I cannot say sorry for something that hasn't
happened yet, but I
am sorry
TimeTravel_0 : I talk too much
Yareisa : and I don't talk enough
TimeTravel_0 : I just wish things didn;t have to happen
athey way they
Yareisa : we cannot change it?
TimeTravel_0 : Its too late.
Yareisa : I sensed that
TimeTravel_0 : I regret what you could have been bot
what will result.
TimeTravel_0 : not
TimeTravel_0 : ...are you drinking?
Yareisa : no
TimeTravel_0 : I am... orange wine.
TimeTravel_0 : I love it.
Yareisa : I think my ethereal has taken over, my body
has no need for
anything more
TimeTravel_0 : Are you alone?
Yareisa : yes
TimeTravel_0 : No children?
Yareisa : none
TimeTravel_0 : Are you afraid?
Yareisa : what of
TimeTravel_0 : Being alone?
Yareisa : no
TimeTravel_0 : I don;t mean to be so perosnal.
TimeTravel_0 : I aplogoze.
Yareisa : its alright, I'm used to it
TimeTravel_0 : To being alone?
Yareisa : to being asked personal questions as well!
TimeTravel_0 : I appreciate your kindness.
Yareisa : ty, but that is my nature
TimeTravel_0 : I am familiar with Blue Oyster Cult.
Yareisa : oh, you've read my profile?!
TimeTravel_0 : I just took a look.
TimeTravel_0 : In fact...my father is a big fan.
Yareisa : the link to my web site is on there too
Yareisa : one of my favourite tracks is, Veterans of
the Psychic Wars
TimeTravel_0 : Thats quite a webb ste...hold on.
Yareisa : k
TimeTravel_0 : Im asking my father.
TimeTravel_0 : He says thats from "Heavy Metal"?
Yareisa : I've got it on a compilation, Workshop of
the Telescopes
TimeTravel_0 : "Cultosaurus Erectus" is his
TimeTravel_0 : I have no idea what he's taling about.
Yareisa : probably best not to, might cause a glitch
in the space time
TimeTravel_0 : Godzillia?
Yareisa : yes thats a good one
TimeTravel_0 : Hes lauging.
TimeTravel_0 : You wacky 20th century freaks.
Yareisa : Don't Fear The Reaper is good too, a classic
Yareisa : so do I presume the aliens don't come in 2012
TimeTravel_0 : Noty that Im aware of.
TimeTravel_0 : However...there are plenty of things
that will get your
attention by 2012.
Yareisa : such as...can you say?
TimeTravel_0 : My father has a question.
Yareisa : go on
TimeTravel_0 : What do you think of "club Ninja"?
I have no idea what
Yareisa : I haven't heard that one
Yareisa : I've got Dancing in the ruins on the compilation
TimeTravel_0 : He says it was one of their last CDs.
Yareisa : yes, then there is Imaginos
Yareisa : I've just started to collect them again, used
to have some
getting CD's now
TimeTravel_0 : Revolutoin by night? What's that.
Yareisa : another album
TimeTravel_0 : I see.
TimeTravel_0 : Perhaps you should talk to my father.
Yareisa : I could get confused!
Yareisa : Actually, I will have to go soon, its nearly
6 in the morning
Yareisa : I got up at 5 in the morning on Friday
TimeTravel_0 : I hope to talk to yoiu again.
Yareisa : I would like that
TimeTravel_0 : Cheer up.
TimeTravel_0 : Things get better.
TimeTravel_0 : Get some sleep.
Yareisa : I will!
TimeTravel_0 : Good night.
Yareisa : good night
8TimeTravel_0 has left the conversation.